Friday, April 26, 2013

A few gems from the visit with my lady friend //

She's the best.

ÂDVÉNTÛRÉS // in cornfields

This week Hannah visited from Charlotte! So, Monday night, Hannah, Alec & I went on an adventure to the cornfield & it was breathtaking! Be prepared for some more Hannah pictures from our porch date. ;)

Friday, April 19, 2013


you are completely & totally all i need.

why do i continue to look for other satisfaction, when you satisfy the inner places my soul tries to conceal.  why do i seek love & fulfillment from temporary things, when you are stationary and faithful to my heart. You ache for my full attention. You want so very badly to have all of my heart, soul & mind.

I must continue to sacrifice my wants, my needs, my selfish thoughts, to you. to the one who took my place. I deserve to be beaten, whipped, scared & tattered, thrown to the ground for the shameful sin i've put on my own shoulders.

oh but you, you took the weight of sin upon YOUR shoulders. you sacrificed your life so I could live. Why? because the love you have for me burns radiant & strong. I am completely overwhelmed by the power of your love. your affection is intoxicating.

I can't breath in your presents.  you replace my breath with your holy spirit. you fill me up till every crevice of my broken soul is satisfied & full. then, and only then am i in the state of perfect peace.

Your closer than my skin. i don't have words to describe my adoration for you & the purpose of your will for my life. this mountain called life i will climb. with you faithful by my side.

Take me far, for i am yours. 

Monday, April 15, 2013